If you have ever driven from Texas to California or anywhere in-between, you
may have noticed stretches of desolate and barren, seemingly worthless land where little could possibly survive.
In many of these places there is a desperate, sometimes life threatening need
for travelers necessities like food, water, gas, auto repair and lodging.
By utilizing the latest advancements in Hi-Tech Septic and Well Technologies
available on the market today, one can now build an Oasis in the Desert in order to provide potentially life-saving resources
to weary travelers.
Imagine a green Oasis in the middle of the barren desert with lush grass,
with a flowing stream, picnic tables, a food court and lodging for the night.
Building the Oasis requires first a potable water source capable of supplying
the Oasis (building or community development) such as a Water Well or multiple Wells.
Developing Property where county water is
not available: http://www.hitechsepticandwell.com/id32.html
Wells - Today we have equipment capable of drilling through rock to depths of 600 to 700 feet. This is usually accomplished
by using an air rotary hammer drill operated by high pressure/high volume air. Drilled wells are usually 350 to 450 feet
deep. However, occasionally they are drilled deeper. The depth of the well and the gallons per minute that the well produces
both determine the maximum sizing of the pumping equipment. This information is used to determine the cost to the consumer.
Source: Dave Cavender
an engineered septic system can be installed to properly and environmentally dispose of the resulting waste water by cleaning
and pumping it to the landscaping for surface (Spray) or subsurface (Drip) dispersal.
Example of Spray System: http://health.vctx.org/HealthDepartment%5COSSF%5Caerobic.pdf
Photos of Drip Systems: http://www.dadsseptic.net/id5.html
“Drip emitter systems have been around for about twenty
years. They were developed in Israel as a means of reclaiming desert areas using fresh water to provide consistent distribution
to water these areas evenly. Don Wolf
Source: http://www.dadsseptic.net/id5.html
Article by NuWire Investor “Septic System Advances Aid Development” http://www.nuwireinvestor.com/articles/septic-system-advances-aid-development-51143.aspx
Furthermore, barren or rocky areas with fairly steep slopes are also able to be
developed in many cases due to hi-tech Septic and Well Technological Advancements. See
this Dream Home built beside a lake on a very steep slope. http://www.hitechsepticandwell.com/lakefrontpropertysepticsolution/
By utilizing the latest Well and Septic Solutions in unison (Cluster System),
in what we call “The M-System”, one can build and Independent, Self Sufficient, Environmentally Friendly, Water Solution that is made to last! This means that now we can build where we could never build before! We can even operate off the grid free from local limitations and restrictions!
Example of Environmentally Friendly System: Peat Moss Septic Systems http://www.dadsseptic.net/id33.html
Each M-System “All in one” Independent Water Solution is engineered
based on the site specific characteristics encountered and is backed by a 5 Year No-Failure Warranty to ensure proper function
for years to come! See the M-System here: http://www.hitechsepticandwell.com/m_systemdesign.html
Water Solutions (Residential Diagram) http://www.dadsseptic.net/id53.html
See the new Hi-Tech Community here: http://www.hitechsepticandwell.com/hitechcommunity.html
The Engineered Septic System installation and requirements are dependent upon the
soils analysis, which can be analyzed by our Engineers here: http://www.dadsseptic.net/soilsanalysis.html
Example of an Engineered System Installation: http://dadsseptic.net/engineeredsepticsystems/
Explore our website http://www.DadsSeptic.Net and our virtual learning Laboratory at http://www.HiTechSepticAndWell.com or send us an email inquiry at Don@DadsSeptic.Net for more information.
Thank you for reading.
Dad’s Septic and Well Service: