Plumbing, Septic, Sewer and Drain Solutions are available!
The Pump Pack "Special"
This solution addresses the problems most frequently encountered with conventional septic systems!
"The Pump Package Special is not only an opportunity to get your system working properly
but it is an opportunity to upgrade your system so that it is easy to service and maintain, which will help to ensure
a Life-Time of reliable service from your system! See "Easy Septic Solutions" below in order to learn more."
Upgrading your problematic system so that it is easy to service and maintain can be as easy
as 1 - 2 - 3!
1. The Main Line (1A in diagram below) will eventually become plugged so a clean out is needed
because the solution is high pressure jetting to clean the line.
2. The Rear Baffle Tee "Outlet" can allow solids and bio-mat to enter the absorption field,
causing your field lines to appear to fail. This can be prevented by adding a Baffle Tee Filter. The Filter will require servicing
so access to the septic tank is needed in the form of a Man-Way Access.
3. Your absorption field can become saturated by excessive bio-mat growth. Excessive Bio-Mat
growth is a problem that has two solutions. The first solution is a temporary solution in the form of a chemical treatment
injected into the lines by adding a shunt (3A). See the diagram below. Solution two is the permanent solution
of adding a remediation device.