High-Tech Septic and Well Laboratory ATLANTA, GA 770 692 0202

Mining Resources from Waste



The Gold Factory

This Lab is dedicated to the development of a factory that will mine abundant waste sources for valuable resources such as Bio-Fuel, Electricity, Gas, Water, Fertilizer and properly dispose of the remaining waste products utilizing environmentally friendly methods.
"Imagine a Land Fill (Dump) in which waste is brought in and processed into resources rather than going into the growing land fill.  Moreover, imagine mining the land fill in order to properly dispose of it, eliminating a growing problem all while producing valuable resources locally from abundant, readily available and renewable waste!"

The processors and techniques needed to convert Fats, Oils and Greases as well as Sewage, Waste Food, Plastic and Paper into Bio-Fuel, Electricity, Gas, Water and Fertilizer are available on the market today.

These processors are proven and can be combined in a Cluster System contained with-in a Factory, which will be engineered based on the site specific characteristics encountered. The factory would take in waste sources at one end, process these in an environmentally friendly manner and put out valuable resources at the other end.

The resulting clean resources can then be made available locally to benefit the near-by communities or sold at market. Local electricity, for example, can be generated and supplied to the local grid by bio-fuel or gas powered generating systems.

The end result will be a cost effective factory design, engineered based on the site's specific requirements, that will empower local waste disposal companies around the world to convert waste into resources.

This will also encourage the proper disposal of waste products utilizing environmentally friendly methods. As mentioned above, trash dumps can become sources of valuable resourses if a gold factory is placed on site to mine and properly dispose of the waste in a cost effective and environmentally friendly manner. For example, have you ever passed by a dump site and seen flames from burning candles? In many cases this is excess Methane and other gases being burned rather than being bottled! 
We at Dad's (About Us "Our Qualifications"), specialize in Engineered Systems. We task our in house Engineers to design our systems based on site specific conditions in order to solve complex problems by utilizing the latest hi-tech systems and solutions available on the market today. 
We install Cluster Systems, which consist of several individual solutions, working together and forming a cluster.
The Gold Factory will require that the latest systems on the market today be clustered together into a factory with out interfering with one another.  Dad's has the expertise to make this project successful and cost effective!
Please assist us in any way that you can to include funding this idea (The Gold Factory).

Bio-Fuel Lab (See the Processors here.)
See the videos below for examples of converting waste into environmentally friendly fuels.
Thank you for visiting and please be sure to see The Hi-Tech Community and The M-System below for more great hi-tech solutions.

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Ethanol from sources other than corn! (below)



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  Copyright © 2009, Don Wolf. All Rights Reserved. 
P.O. Box 708 Ellenwood, GA. 30294

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